Esperanto: Empowering throught Neutrality

The challenge of multiculturalism invites us to think about the future with a global and neutral vision.

Esperanto is the language of equality, neutrality and justice. It’s the dream of a humanity connected as a whole.
It is a dialogue between modernity and tradition for free and liberal individuals that tend to progress and be autonomous. These are the cosmopolite Citizens of Global Babylonia, that make a community share common values such as meritocracy, peace or harmony. The community that is willing to overcome social and political differences through dialogue, firmly believing in their coexistence with a virtual and soul-based place (Internal ideo), where the boundaries between markets, traditions, cultures, religions and States can be eroded through the common belief of mutual understanding and empathy.
Therefore, people of Esperanto are essentially politically and actively neutral. Their values today convey universality and vision, just like in the past; daring to appear utopian. They strive to build up a civilized and ethically evolved society.
At TEDxRoma 2018 we think of Esperanto, but look further starting from its deepest value: an open and inclusive vision of the contemporary needs; in search of a solution that involves people, institutions and large international corporations, endorsing the neutral use of strength instead of arrogance.
This model of Neutrality does not promote lack of judgment as a value, but is rather an instrument that rejects judgment, in order to privilege shared results, without advocating individual reason. It is a way to promote a virtuous change in areas where we are called to confront each day.
Technology, art, economics, politics, are the enabling platforms where to plan global growth; but are we sure that their use respects the purpose of their design? Will these platforms be the virtual bridges through which to connect the complexity of the world we live in, respecting the differences and transforming them into opportunities for everyone?
It is therefore time for a new look that revives a universal awareness and respect that cannot be anymore postponed.
The search of this new concept has led us to be inspired by the values of Esperanto; looking for tools and realities that will enable individual strength and collective intelligence to change the world through the power of Neutrality.

Emilia Garito
TEDxRoma Curator
