What is TED

TED è una comunità globale dedicata alle idee che meritano di essere diffuse.
Nel 1984 negli USA è stato realizzato il primo evento con il fine di incontrare e condividere idee tra innovatori e pionieri nei campi della Tecnologia, dell’ Entertainment e del Design.
La conferenza annuale TED si tiene a Vancouver e invita i migliori pensatori e creatori del mondo.

What is TEDx

TED in line with its mission, has launched the TEDx program, which is a series of independently organized local events that aim to bring together the public to live an experience similar to the one experienced with TED while continuing to promote and share ideas and innovative experiences locally.
Today the TEDx conferences organized around the world have generated a flow of ideas followed by the entire world population.

What is TEDxRoma

Since 2014 TEDxRoma, born under license from the US non-profit foundation TED, thanks to a passionate team of volunteers and the participation of over 150 personalities from all over the world, has created a community in Rome that has grown significantly every year.

TEDxRoma encourages and supports the dissemination of brilliant, innovative and creative ideas to stimulate change, offering the public the opportunity to listen to live contributions from speakers from all over the world, generating a continuous exchange of ideas and a strong connection between the participants.


TEDxRoma events have a strong communicational and innovative impact on topics of social, scientific and cultural relevance: supporting TEDx events implies demonstrating a unique commitment to the main contemporary and future themes, as well as strong attention to cultural, ethical and social principles that characterize our time.


TEDxRoma events have a strong communicational and innovative impact on topics of social, scientific and cultural relevance: supporting TEDx events implies demonstrating a unique commitment to the main contemporary and future themes, as well as strong attention to cultural, ethical and social principles that characterize our time.


TEDxRoma events have a strong communicational and innovative impact on topics of social, scientific and cultural relevance: supporting TEDx events implies demonstrating a unique commitment to the main contemporary and future themes, as well as strong attention to cultural, ethical and social principles that characterize our time.